Welcome back to Day 2 of the "Favorite Stars in B Movies" Blogathon! It seems like we've hardly started, and yet on Day 1 we were treated to stealthy ninjas, brawling lumberjacks, ladies at the court of Louis XV, two mad doctors (one male and one female), a poor man's James Bond, and twenty-something "teenagers" who can't get the adults to believe in the existence of a gooey, ravenous creature from outer space. Now that's entertainment!
This go-round promises to be equally rewarding, so let's get on with the show!
(Hey bloggers! You've got options for submitting your post: Use the comments below, email me at brschuck66@yahoo.com, or message me on X/Twitter @brschuck66.)
Stick around, we're just getting warmed up! |
Debbi at I Found it at the Movies enjoys the performance of fresh-faced Ray Milland in the "noir comedy thriller" Bulldog Drummond Escapes (1937).
Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy finds the movie Paper Bullets (1941) guilty of murdering logic and reason, but acquits Alan Ladd on a technicality.
Virginie at The Wonderful World of Cinema rounds up the usual suspects, the three Roberts (Ryan, Mitchum and Young), in her investigation of Crossfire (1947).
Along with George Clooney and Laura Dern, Andrew at Maniacs and Monsters laments the release of Grizzly II: Revenge (1983) 37 years after it was first filmed.
Ruth at Silver Screenings joins Loretta Young in finding Cause for Alarm! (1951) in the bright sunlight of Anytown, USA.
Andrew at The Stop Button is alarmed as Dana Andrews takes the controls of a crippled airliner in yet another movie with an exclamation point in the title, Zero Hour! (1957).
Marianne at Make Mine Film Noir tags along with Gene Kelly as he explores the dark underbelly of postwar Germany in The Devil Makes Three (1952).
Rebecca at Taking Up Room declares open season on giant wascally wabbits in her review of Night of the Lepus (1972) with DeForest Kelley, Stuart Whitman and Janet Leigh.
We're not done yet! See us tomorrow for more great posts and the wrap-up!
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